They seem to have everything you need to keep on going, but what still has me concerned is the 2000% daily value of B6 and the 8333% of B12. All other ingredients including the amino acids are in amounts considered to be healthy, but what about the amount of B Vitamins? The 5-Hour Energy website has a nice explanation for those that are concerned about taking a large dose of Vitamin B. They simply state that the B Vitamins in their supplement; B6, B12, B3, and B9 are water soluble, any amount that is not absorbed is “expelled with no toxic effects.” They even go on to say that those on B vitamin therapy take even higher doses. Sounds convincing right? What they fail to explain is that water, an essential ingredient that is needed to expel unused B Vitamins, should be mega-dosed to offset the mega-dose of B Vitamins in a 5 Hour Energy shot. Contrary to belief, it is possible to overdose on Vitamin B. Overdosing on Vitamin B happens when intolerable amounts are taken over a long period of time which can result in headache, dizziness, fainting, yellowing of skin, and temporary nerve/brain damage that can last 3 months to 3 years. I could not find a consistent number defining a toxic amount, as it seems to be different for everyone. One case for toxicity reported 5,500mg for one dose, while another reported 500mg over a period of time (3 months or so), which happens to be the equivalent of B12 in one bottle of 5 hour energy. The recommended daily dose for B3 is 6mg, .8 for B6, and 30mg for B12. The amount of B3 in a 5 Hour Energy drink is 30mg, 40mg of B6, and 500mcg of B12.
It seems the number of ingredients in 5 Hour Energy shots work together in more ways than I can piece together. In my assessment I did find that the amount of B Vitamins could potentially lead to an overdose. In the most extreme case, if taken daily and over a period of time 5 Hour Energy shots could very well cause temporary nerve/brain damage (in the most extreme cases). Symptoms such as numb hands and feet are signs of toxic levels. Aside from that, the combination of ingredients and a healthy amount of water should result in 5 hours of energy if fatty acids and carbs are available for synthesis, and the user has not desensitized themselves to the effects of caffeine.
Whole grain bagel with cheese
- Cereal with fruit and yogurt
- Whole-grain toast with peanut butter and fruit
- Hard-boiled egg sliced into a whole-wheat pita
- Scrambled eggs, toast, and fruit
- Oatmeal with raisins
- Almonds, Cashews, Peanuts
- Lean pork, Chicken, Turkey
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