Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Good morning everyone! I wanted to talk breifly about the benefits of working out with a trainer. There can be a sort of stigma with trainers and I apologize on behalf of all the bad ones out there for that. We are not "meat-heads", cocky, know it alls, intimidating. We are normal people just like you, we struggle with workouts just like you do! Now there are some trainers that would fit those stereotypes but dont let them steer you away from the good ones :)

Do some research prior to picking a trainer. Find out that trainers credentials, set up a meeting, and ask around. You wouldnt just google a tattoo artist, or mechanic and pick the first one or one with the shiniest page would you? Many big name gyms hire people off the street, throw them in a class for a day and boom they are a personal trainer. Pick someone who has gone to schooling for it and continues their education in it.

Now, to the real reason for this post...why do you need a trainer? Many reasons;

* Motivation is the biggest- Its impossible not to workout or finish out that set with a trainer standing next to you pushing you to your limit. A good trainer will make you get that extra rep or two and has their eye on the prize even more than you do.

*New Routines- It can get boring going in day after day doing the same machines, or dumbell workouts. A trainer can broaden your exercise horizons and teach you new and exciting workouts to keep you pumped up and excited to workout.

*You have hit a wall- Your not seeing results. A trainer can design a routine to get you over that hump. There are many different types of protocols for different results from your body. Let a trainer evaluate your routine and change it up to fit you specfically.

I hope that gave you some insight and maybe pushed you to just try a workout with a trainer. Many of us do a first free session just to open up your eyes and see what you could be doing in the gym compared to what you are doing now. I promise you, you will be able to tell a difference. And guys, dont think a girl trainer wont kick your butt in the gym. I have trained huge body builder type men and they give up sooner than the ladies I train. Schedule a session with me, cosult and first session free great rates after that. While we are in an economic crisis money is not my goal in this career making people's confidence and health increase is. Look forward to hearing from you, have a great day!


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