Friday, August 19, 2011


Good Morning and Happy Friday everyone! Whose ready for a fun active weekend? I am....womp womp womp well was until I broke my foot doing some extreme dirtbiking. I'm going to sit this one out and let you all soak up all the fun to be had. Summer is almost over but that doesnt mean your workout's and or goals need to stop. Check out the workout below and give it a whirl, try going for a hike or trail run this weekend. Take the dog an extra block than normal and freel great for doing it! Challange yourself people lets go do work!

Try this in the backyard, living room, park, gym etc.

-25 pull ups standard wide grip
-bent over back row (lawnmowers) 25 reps
-Reverse Push ups (start up not on the ground and lower yourself down) 25 reps
-Dumbell Flies (if you have a ball put your back on it and fly away..get away ;) 25 reps
-Jump Squats (jump straight in the air and land in a squat and repeat) 20 reps
-Walking lunges (your dragging foot should not leave the ground...) 20 steps each leg
-Triangle Pushups 25 reps
-Overhead tricep extentions (band, barbell, dumbell, cable you chose!) 25 reps
-Preacher Curls (dont pick up a pastor and curl him...find something to stablize your tricep against) 25 reps
-Hammer Curls ( hands inward facing eachother and curl up) 25 reps
-V sit Crunches (start with arms above your head, legs straight and elevated crunch bringing it all together) 30 reps
-Plank Crunch (get into a plank, now let your right elbow meet your left knee under your belly button for small talk) 30 reps dont forget to switch side at 15!
-Flutter kicks and arms ( legs 5 inch off the ground, arms and back the swam kick your little feetsies like your swimming and move your arms up and down like a birdy) 30 sec  4X around

Oh yea Workout yea! This is gonna kick your butt but get you the results you want and need! Do this 3-4x around and if you didnt get it by now its a 25 rep workout. Get it done people! Be rockstars this weekend make me proud!

Im out!

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